Deaf Women's History Month

NAD     March 28, 2023 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe

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[VIDEO DESC & TRANSCRIPT: Women from the NAD’s Board and Team share a brief comment, standing in different backgrounds.

STEPHANIE: Growing up, as a Black deaf girl (shows a photo of herself as a kid)…

ANNA: Growing up, as a deaf Brazilian girl (shows a photo of herself as a kid)...

LIZZIE: (shows a photo of herself as a kid) as a deaf queer young girl, I didn’t have others like me to look up to.

MICHELLE: I didn’t realize how important that would be for me as a little girl to have someone to look up to.

DAWNMARIE: BUT that’s different today, I see more and more Deaf women –

DOMINIQUE: In the media…

TYESE: Leading organizations…

SARAH: Community advocate…

KIMBERLY: Legislative watchdog…

EMILY: Lifting each other up…

LISA: Paving the way for future generations…

MARLENE: Sharing their truth…

LAURA: When we, all Deaf, Hard of hearing, Deaf Disabled, DeafBlind, Late Deafened, and BIPOC Deaf women, celebrate each other…

ZAINAB: we thrive!

JENNY: You’re not alone and you are enough.]

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