Air Carrier Amendments Act

NAD     March 23, 2023 in ASL 19 Subscribers Subscribe

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Have you ever been on a flight where you couldn't watch any TV shows or movies because it wasn't captioned and you couldn't understand their announcements? The Air Carrier Access Amendments Act (ACAAA) will address these issues! Contact your Representative and Senator and ask them to support this bill. Download the templates through Link and edit the letters to best fit you.

[VIDEO DES & TRANSCRIPT: Zainab is standing in front of a blue background.

Are you frustrated when you fly because you find a few movies or TV shows that are captioned? Also, having no idea what is being said during the PA announcements? So many of us share the same stories about our frustrations with these problems when we fly on planes. That’s not equal access. And it’s disappointing that the US Department of Transportation (DOT) and airlines still have not made improvements in decades. HOWEVER! There’s now a new bill that will fix this, the Air Carrier Access Amendments Act. This bill would require the Dept. of Transportation to develop rules that will require 100% captioned videos as well as accessible PA announcements on planes. How can you help? Ask your senators and representatives to support this bill. We have template letters you can download from our website and edit the letter to best show what you want to tell your legislators. Deaf travelers deserve equal access when we fly!]

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