The NAD's Commitment and Transparency

NAD     February 28, 2023 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe

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[VIDEO DESC & TRANSCRIPT: Jenny and Howard A. Rosenblum are standing in front of black backgrounds.

JENNY: This month, we posted spotlights, encouraged you to follow Black Deaf influencers, support Black Deaf businesses, hosted a webinar about Black Deaf perspectives, and more.

HOWARD: Our commitment to dismantling racism is not just for now or end now, it will continue.

JENNY: We must recognize our history of racism, such as the NAD not allowing Black members before or having a racist application process. Because of our history of causing harm, we know we must continue our internal and external work.

HOWARD: Our commitment is to do the work in different areas, not just posts this month but also training for the staff/Board, ensuring lounge space at conferences, revamping youth programs, hosting webinars every month, and more.

JENNY: I hope you’ve learned new things, followed new accounts, and bought things from Black Deaf biz! Join me and the NAD to dismantle racism in our communities.

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