Past Nancy J. Bloch Leadership & Advocacy Scholarship Intern: Meet Drake!

NAD     February 28, 2023 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe

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[VIDEO DESC & TRANSCRIPT: Drake is facing the camera.

DRAKE: Hello, I'd like to share my experience when I was the Nancy J. Bloch Leadership & Advocacy Scholarship intern. At first, I was hoping to improve my advocacy skills and in fact, I did! I gained valuable skills and experience. For example, during an intake, I was able to advocate for my client who faced communication barriers at work. My client's employer refused to provide captioning. So I sent them a demand letter which resulted in them finally providing captioning at my client's request. That outcome made me feel very proud and I realized how much of an impact I made for that client. AND that internship helped me realize that I wanted to keep advocating for disability rights. I decided to take more classes on disability rights and disability laws in law school. Currently, I'm a Skadden Fellow and one of the Staff Attorneys at the NAD, advocating for the rights of deaf families and deaf children!]

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