Advocacy Letter| Theaters

NAD     February 20, 2023 in ASL 19 Subscribers Subscribe

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Deaf people love being entertained, but it's not so fun when our accommodation requests are denied. If you ever experience pushback, use the NAD's advocacy letter for theaters. You can download it from the link in @nad1880's bio (scroll down to 'Events and Entertainment' and you'll find 'Theaters and Concert Halls') for situations like these!

[VIDEO DESC & TRANSCRIPT: Dickie walks by a theater and sees a poster promoting a play. He goes inside and greets a theater employee at the window.

DICKIE: Hi, I’m deaf. Hold on.

Dickie pulls out his phone and types, “Hi, I’d like to request an ASL interpreter, please.”

THEATER EMPLOYEE (off camera): Yes, we’ll provide an interpreter for you!

DICKIE (to theater employee): *thumbs up* Thank you, thank you!

Dickie walks back outside.

DICKIE (to camera): See that? Some theaters are super easy to work with, but I know that’s not always true for other theaters. If you’re in a situation like this, and need to know what to do, use the advocacy letter for theaters. It explains our right for having interpreters or any kind of other access. Deaf people love and enjoy watching theater too.

Fades to black.]

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