This is a Vlog Response to "HRM (Judaism)" by MickeyLoveMinnie

Mickey (MLM) exposed HRM as Judaism

GraciousTorah     February 17, 2023 in ASL 66 Subscribers Subscribe

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Unfortunately, Mickey used the link from Craig Dunning, Department Chair, Intercultural Studies at Baptist Bible College June 2016 to present.

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26 Video Comments

       Reply to GraciousTorah
    Tip: pressing the SHIFT key on your keyboard does the same thing as clicking this button
  1. ReplyTo:   GraciousTorah, Infinitiforever, MickeyLoveMinnie, Lighthouse54
    Title:   anger and controversy
  2. ReplyTo:   NormASL1, GraciousTorah, Infinitiforever, DeafHank89, MickeyLoveMinnie, Lighthouse54
    Title:   YHWH spoke 5 times "MY"   Link 1   Link 2   Link 3
  3. ReplyTo:   NormASL1, GraciousTorah, Infinitiforever, DeafHank89, MickeyLoveMinnie, Lighthouse54
    Title:   MLM #20 with link
  4. ReplyTo:   NormASL1, GraciousTorah, Infinitiforever, DeafHank89, Lighthouse54
  5. ReplyTo:   MickeyLoveMinnie
    Title:   From 12 tribes
  6. ReplyTo:   GraciousTorah
    Title:   Your comment #12 for #10   Link 1
   Reply to GraciousTorah
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