The NAD and the Attack on Section...
NAD Feb 20, 2025
NAD January 26, 2023 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe
Deaf people should have access to online courses just like anyone else. If you're having issues with requesting interpreters for your courses or examinations, use our advocacy letter! Download a copy here: Link #deafrights
VIDEO DESC & TRANSCRIPT: Casavina browses the internet on her phone and comes across a post about a cosmetology course.
CASAVINA: Emergency!
SELENA: What what?!
CASAVINA: There’s an online lipstick course that shows you how to get luscious lips!
SELENA: Let me see!
[Selena looks at phone]
SELENA: I’m definitely joining you!
CASAVINA: Perfect, I’ll buy us tickets.
SELENA: Hold on. Will they provide interpreters?
CASAVINA: Well, they should have interpreters.
SELENA: Are you sure about that? They always say, “Sorry interpreters are not available.”
CASAVINA: Not with us.
SELENA: Okay, we’ll see about that.
Casavina calls the course hotline.
VRS Interpreter: Hello!
COURSE FRONT DESK: Hi. Welcome to Lip Fierce. How can I help you?
VRS Interpreter: Welcome to Lip Fierce. How can I help you?
CASAVINA: Hi, I’m excited to tell you I bought two tickets for your online lipstick course!
COURSE FRONT DESK: Yay! I am so excited to have you.
CASAVINA: Same here! Also, I'd like to request sign language interpreters please.
SELENA: Yes! (fingers crossed)!
COURSE FRONT DESK: Sign language interpreter? Oh sweetie, this is the lipstick course.
CASAVINA: Right. And we want to take your lipstick course.
VRS Interpreter: Quiet.
Selena throws her hands up in disappointment.
CASAVINA (to Selena): Just wait.
COURSE FRONT DESK: Yeah, we don’t have sign language interpreters. Sorry. But don’t worry! We can refund you.
SELENA (to Casavina): See?
CASAVINA (to Selena): Just wait.
CASAVINA: We don’t want the refund. There’s a law that says you have to provide us access. Oh! I am going to email you a letter that explains this.
Casavina hangs up.
CASAVINA (to Selena): Oh, just wait and see.
[Ten minutes later]
Casavina gets a phone alert from Lipstick Fierce Company.
Casavina (to Selena): See!? (Answers the phone).
VRS Interpreter: Hello again!
COURSE FRONT DESK: Hey, it’s me again.
Casavina: Hello!
COURSE FRONT DESK: I just read your advocacy letter for courses and exams and gosh, I am so sorry. I’m new to this, so don’t worry. I got you covered. Interpreters will be there!
Selena is visibly excited.
CASAVINA: Perfect! Thank you, I appreciate it.
COURSE FRONT DESK: Yay! I’m excited.
Casavina claps.
Casavina (to Selena): See?!
Selena claps.
SELENA: Yay, I cannot wait!
Casavina and Selena are watching the course on a laptop and applying makeup at the same time, for a class assignment. Video cuts to behind Casavina and Selena and we see an interpreter on screen as a PIP, with the teacher.
SELENA: Look at my luscious lips!
CASAVINA: Look at mine!
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