Meet the NAD Board

NAD     December 23, 2022 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe

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The 2022-2024 NAD Board members share why they serve on the Board.

[VIDEO DESC & Transcript: Video begins with NAD Board members in a circle.

On-screen-text: why our advocacy is important

NICHOLAS: The NAD promotes, preserves, and protects deaf people’s human rights in the US. The NAD advocates to ensure our rights are equivalent to other groups in America.

MICHAEL: The NAD is our watchdog, especially on a Federal level, to make sure our rights are protected.

MILMAGLYN: The NAD fights for our civil, linguistic, and human rights.

LISA: Since 1880, the NAD has done a lot for deaf, DeafBlind, late-deafened, and hard of hearing communities.

JENNY: I asked myself how can I contribute to the NAD and I realized it’s my knowledge, skills, experience, and leadership that I use towards the NAD which helps it move forward.

LAURA: I rely on your input and feedback because that’s what I’ll share with the NAD.

STEPHANIE: I support our community and focus on recruiting BIPOC members to the NAD. I love working with the Board. I just love our deaf community!

JACOB: I appreciate the opportunity to get involved, discuss a variety of issues, all to make things better in our community.

KEVIN: We serve on the Board fighting for our rights and to break down barriers and struggles over the years. Enough is enough.

TYESE: I want to help get more BIPOC members to join the NAD!

KIMBERLY: My passion is to lift and encourage deaf youth.

LINSAY Jr: I want to see changes made that make an impact.

MICHELLE: I feel like I’ve learned a lot in previous terms, every term I learn new things on how I can share what I learned with my local community. There are so many resources out there, it’s my role on the NAD Board to share with the local community.

VYRON: I’m ready and comfortable to share my expertise, knowledge, and skills with the NAD. By serving on the NAD Board, I end up serving the deaf community.

DINO: It’s a ripple effect. One drop impacts so many areas. We work on advocacy, education, system change, personal growth, professional growth, and so on – our work impacts everything!]

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