Who was the apostle to the Gentiles, Peter or Paul?

ChetBrock     December 19, 2022 in ASL 48 Subscribers Subscribe

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Most scholars accept Paul’s epistles in preference to Acts of the Apostles whenever there is a contradiction. Therefore, Paul really was the apostle to the gentiles.

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24 Video Comments

  1. ReplyTo:   ChetBrock
    Title:   Paul Had to Rebuke Peter
  2. ReplyTo:   ChetBrock
    Title:   Peter preach to Gentiles
  3. ReplyTo:   ChetBrock
    Title:   James, Cephas and John   Link 1   Link 2
  4. ReplyTo:   ChetBrock
    Title:   Acts 15:11 Obey
  5. ReplyTo:   ChetBrock
    Title:   Proverbs 26:4 (1 to 26)   Link 1   Link 2
  6. ReplyTo:   Jack67
  7. ReplyTo:   deafpreach
    Title:   cannot without obey
  8. ReplyTo:   GraciousTorah, ChetBrock
    Title:   Law point to Jesus
  9. ReplyTo:   Jack67
  10. ReplyTo:   deafpreach
    Title:   No
  11. ReplyTo:   Jack67, deafpreach
    Title:   genesis 26:5   Link 1
  12. ReplyTo:   Jack67, ForestryParadise
  13. ReplyTo:   ForestryParadise, deafpreach
    Title:   2 Corinthians 3:6
  14. ReplyTo:   ChetBrock
  15. ReplyTo:   Coolstarman85, Jack67, deafpreach
    Title:   who change sabbath?   Link 1
  16. ReplyTo:   Jack67, ForestryParadise, deafpreach
  17. ReplyTo:   GraciousTorah
    Title:   One Flock One Shepherd   Link 1   Link 2
  18. ReplyTo:   ShareThoughts
    Title:   iron sharpens iron   Link 1
  19. ReplyTo:   Jack67
    Title:   To believe and Obey   Link 1
  20. ReplyTo:   GraciousTorah, DeafColorado
    Title:   Doctrines Divisive   Link 1   Link 2

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