Advocacy Letter | Museums / Libraries / Galleries

NAD     December 14, 2022 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe

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[VIDEO DESC & TRANSCRIPT: Phelan looks crestfallen sitting at a table.

Friend aka “Phelan’s Crush” walks in.
FRIEND AKA CRUSH: Hey! What’s up?
Phelan looks flustered and straightens up.
PHELAN: Oh me? NOTHING! Nothing! I’m fine! FINE! fine. Uh… Why do you ask?
Friend raises an eyebrow… unamused.
PHELAN: Ugh fine. You know that um… queer art exhibit that’s happening downtown?
FRIEND: Oh yeah! I really wanted to go to that!
PHELAN: You don’t say?
FRIEND: Um… Did you go?
PHELAN: No. Not yet. I really wanted to go on the guided tour. I bought tickets two weeks ago and I emailed them requesting an interpreter. I didn’t get a response from them, so I just showed up. And guess what?
FRIEND: Don’t say it
PHELAN: Yep. No interpreters
FRIEND: WHOOP. There it is.
PHELAN: But its FINE. It’s fine. They gave me a refund and I don’t feel like making a fuss…
FRIEND: Yo. Use the letter.
PHELAN: Letter?
FRIEND: I’m going to send it to you, and you give the letter to them.

PHELAN: [ON VRS] Great! Thank you so much!
PHELAN: [ON VRS] Okay! Bye-bye!
FRIEND: So? How did it go?
PHELAN: Really well, thanks to you! Not only did they confirm an interpreter, the also gave me an extra ticket!
FRIEND: That’s awesome! Sweet!
PHELAN: Just curious.. What are you doing today?
FRIEND: I’m available.
PHELAN: Great! Want to “Van Gogh” with me to the exhibit?
FRIEND: *sympathetic cringe* Only if you never make that pun again.
PHELAN: Hm… No promises.]

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