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TheJasper82 Jul 13, 2024
TheJasper82 November 30, 2022 in ASL 11 Subscribers Subscribe
You can certainly argue that the ancient Hebrew tribes were “henotheistic”. They, like most everyone at the time, had a “pantheon” of gods, the “Elohim” of the Canaanite gods. At some point, these people decided to go “all in” with one of these gods, Jehovah/Yahweh, who was one of the “children of El”. Evidently they saw in Jehovah a “war god” who would help protect them in a bad neighborhood. The other gods were essentially written off. “I am an the Lord thy God and thou will have no other gods before me.” Jehovah didn’t deny that there were other gods…. Just that He was to be the One….. Over centuries, the rest of the pantheon was forgotten and the Hebrews…. Now The Jews, are generally credited with monotheism… Which is quite doubtful. However, modern Christianity certainly doesn’t acknowledge any of these other gods… though most denominations accept the notion of the Trinity. (Not all…) Again though… In the rather-hard-to-follow logic of Trinitarian Theology…. God is supposedly at one time Singular and a Trinity…. And Jesus considered to be both God and Human at the very same time.
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