A Deaf fishing and diving captain | Jiro

NAD     November 28, 2022 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe

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[VIDEO DESC & TRANSCRIPT: Jiro is standing in front of the camera, facing the camera.

JIRO: I fish for Tuna mostly, doing deep blue fishing. I also do night scuba dives and take people who mostly visit from Japan on sandbar boat tours.

Black and white video of Jiro driving a boat.

ON-SCREEN-TEXT: Meet Jiro, a fishing and diving captain.

Black and white close up video of Jiro driving at boat.

ON-SCREEN-TEXT: Jiro is deaf.

JIRO: With hearing folks, I communicate with a paper and pen or my phone. I show them pictures and use gestures. Often, they'll think deaf people can’t do my job but I invite them to join me for a brief drive out. Eventually, they realize hearing doesn't matter! They’ll tell other people and then many people want to join my crew!

Black and white clip of Jiro telling the camera to 'hang loose'.]

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