Lori | A Deaf funeral home owner

NAD     November 17, 2022 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe

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[VIDEO DESC & TRANSCRIPT: Lori is standing in front of the camera, facing the camera.

LORI: I’ve always wanted to work in a funeral home ever since I was young. I figured I’d never be out of a job, you know — people die everyday! And, dead people don’t talk back.

Black and white video of Lori putting on PPE.

ON-SCREEN-TEXT: Meet Lori, a funeral home owner.

Black and white close up video of Lori prepping a dead body for embalming.

ON-SCREEN-TEXT: Lori is deaf.

LORI: I’m on call 24 hours, every day, all day. Oftentimes, people pass away at night. Which means, around 2 or 3 AM, I wake up and pick up the body then bring it back to the funeral home to embalm it. You can’t predict when someone dies, you have to always be ready.

Black and white clip of Lori getting ready to embalm a dead body.]

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