June | A Deaf Legal Certified Deaf Interpreter

NAD     November 10, 2022 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe

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[VIDEO DESC & TRANSCRIPT: June is standing in front of the camera, facing the camera.

JUNE: The CDI is there to make sure communication is equal for everyone in the room.

Black and white video of June interpreting inside a court room.

ON-SCREEN-TEXT: Meet June, a certified deaf interpreter.

Black and white video of June interpreting.

ON-SCREEN-TEXT: June is deaf.

JUNE: Hearing interpreters may be able to catch some signs but sometimes they may miss something. It could be a facial expression or a little itty bitty signing style. However, as a Deaf person who uses ASL every day — I notice those facial expressions and signing styles all day. I take that information and translate it to give the same meaning. It’s very similar to hearing people with their tone or lack of facial expressions, I also can take that information and translate it back to you with the same meaning.

Black and white clip of June interpreting.]

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