Brian | A Deaf Welder

NAD     November 3, 2022 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe

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At first, people didn't want to hire Brian, a deaf welder, but find out how it all turned out for him! Watch the full story at Link .

[VIDEO DESC & TRANSCRIPT: Brian is standing in front of the camera, facing the camera.

BRIAN: Yeah, I’ve experienced some struggles with the application and hiring process. Most of the time it just boils down to communication issues. But this didn’t stop me from applying to jobs. When someone had questions about my application -- I'd emphasize my experiences.

Black and white video of Brian welding.

ON-SCREEN-TEXT: Meet Brian, a welder.

Black and white video of Brian welding.

ON-SCREEN-TEXT: Brian is deaf.

BRIAN: My job mainly is to build fire trucks. As a welder, I weld so many different things together! Usually, I work on building the body of the truck, the little spare parts to be placed inside the truck, or weld the frames that the body of the truck goes on. Most of the time, I’m usually the only deaf person and I'm okay with that. I just focus on my work. I gotta impress my supervisors to see how hard I work!

Black and white clip of Brian getting his helmet on before welding.]

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