Meet Nick, the sports information director!

NAD     October 28, 2022 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe

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[VIDEO DESCRIPTION AND TRANSCRIPT: Nick is sitting in front of a basketball court.

NICK: I love watching games, especially when they play at a competitive level.

Black and white video of Nick taking notes as a basketball team warms up.

ON-SCREEN-TEXT: Meet Nick, a sports information director. Black and white video of Nick working on several laptops and his phone.

ON-SCREEN-TEXT: Nick is deaf.

NICK: I already worked at the Dakota State University (DSU) Athletics Department as a student and my boss encouraged me to apply for the job. So I did and I stayed after I graduated! For this kind of job, start with some volunteer experience to get your foot in the door. Like, you could get some volunteer experience at a tournament going on right now behind me. There’s many things to do around the court like handling the tables, noting the scores and so on. Sometimes you can even shadow someone to learn more about what they do. If it’s something you’re interested in -- then keep doing it!

Montage of black and white clips of Nick working on his phone and his laptop.]

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