President Updates | October 2022

NAD     October 28, 2022 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe

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President Jenny gives a summary of the NAD Retreat in Virginia earlier this month and shares an update about the Board appointments.

[VIDEO DESC & TRANSCRIPT: President Jenny Buechner is standing in the front of the black backdrop.

JENNY: Hello! Happy October! Hard to believe Fall is finally here. Recently, the NAD Board and Staff held a NAD retreat in Virginia. During the retreat, we discussed a variety of things including the NAD's history, our plans for the next two years and what we need to do to address the five priorities. We had team building activities led by Sachiko "SKO" Flores. We also received training on how to interrupt our bias by Dr. Liz Moore, we definitely learned a lot from that. In other news, I'm excited to share that we've finalized all four appointments to the NAD Board, we'll be announcing who soon. The next time we meet in person will be in January, I'm looking forward to it already! Thank you.]

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