2022-2024 Priority: Achieving Equity in Deaf Education

NAD     September 26, 2022 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe

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We will continue to work on one of the priorities from 2020-2022, "Achieving Equity in Deaf Education" -- NAD Early Childhood Policy Specialist, Sarah Honigfeld, explains all about it!

What are the NAD Priorities? There are many important issues that the NAD focuses on -- however, the five NAD 2022-2024 Priorities help the NAD understand the community's wishes for the NAD to address during the next two years.

How were the NAD Priorities determined? At the NAD Conference, NAD members had the opportunity to discuss all proposals during the NAD Forums and narrowed it down to eight. Then the Delegates voted on the top five. A Delegate is an elected representative of a state association, organization, or NAD section.

We will share progress updates on our 5 priorities during the next two years! For more information about this priority, visit: Link . #AboutTheNAD

[Video desc and transcript: Sarah is standing in the center with a black backdrop.

SARAH: This Priority, "Achieving Equity in Deaf Education" addresses the problem: Where is the equity in education for BIPOC students who are Deaf, DeafBlind, DeafDisabled and Hard of Hearing? Achieving equity in education for BIPOC and DeafBlind children would have significant nationwide impact. The Proposed Solution: We recognize that there's a need to increase diversity in the resources provided in Deaf Education. This priority is important because more efforts in securing equity in schools will help BIPOC deaf, DeafBlind and hard of hearing children get better education, given the need to address the existing deficit in their education.]

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