President Updates | September 2022

NAD     September 23, 2022 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe

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President Jenny shares a bit about herself in this month's update!

[Video desc and transcript: President Jenny Buechner is standing in the front of the black backdrop.

JENNY: Hi! I'd like to share a bit more about myself in this month's video. I was born and raised in Wisconsin. I grew up mainstreamed before graduating from the Wisconsin School for the Deaf. Later, I graduated from Gallaudet University with a Social Work degree. I've had different jobs since then. I've worked for the relay industry in outreach and marketing, I've worked for an advocacy organization that supports people who experienced violence. Now, I'm a Deaf Interpreter. I've been involved in several different organizations which eventually led me to the NAD. I first joined the NAD Board in 2013. The reason why I decided to get involved with the NAD Board is because I'm invested in serving our community to ensure that deaf people have full access to their civil, human, and linguistic rights. As President, my goal is to include BIPOC in those initiatives, address language deprivation, and to elevate education for our deaf children.]

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