Doorknob Confessions

DeafCounseling     September 19, 2022 in ASL 16 Subscribers Subscribe

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A doorknob confession, or doorknob bing, refers to the moment near the very end of a therapy session, when out of the blue, a client reveals a critically important piece of information, but no time remains to process it. The term evokes an image of the client turning the doorknob to leave the therapy room while divulging the news.
Doorknobbing can be conscious or unconscious. For any number of reasons, a client may not really want to discuss the topic in-depth right at that moment, so the ticking clock provides a handy exit.
Feelings of nervousness, guilt, shame, or discomfort about the topic may also be a reason for waiting until the end of the session to find the courage to share doorknob news.
A client may save the disclosure for the very end of the session because the topic may be too painful to address. We are human – our natural instinct is to avoid pain.
Fear of being rejected or judged by the therapist sometimes spurs a doorknob confession.
Doorknobbing can also happen when a client-therapist relationship is still new or developing, or when trust has not yet been established.
This reel illustrates a doorknob confession in a humorous/caricature style, exaggerating the idea of a client rambling on about seemingly unimportant topics, saving the most important therapeutic topic until the end of the session. The content is fictional and not based on a real life client.
Doorknobbing happens in other situations as well, including medical and legal appointments.
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