Reasons why you should join or renew your Jr. NAD Chapter!

NAD     September 16, 2022 in ASL 20 Subscribers Subscribe

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Don't forget to renew your Jr. NAD Chapter! If you don't have one yet, start a new one to use all the Jr. NAD perks we have to offer! Just fill out the form online and pay the $100 membership fee:

[Video desc and transcript: Chanel is in the library.
CHANEL: Hey! Have you renewed your Jr. NAD chapter membership? Or want to start one?
It's easy to renew or join! You can fill out the form online and pay the annual $100 membership fee.
Yup! $100 membership fee will go to: (on-screen texts:
Monthly emails from NAD Youth Programs
Access to Jr. NAD Portal & Slack
Network with other chapters
Online Jr. NADmag issues
NADmag issues
Jr. NAD webinar series (NEW!)]

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