Pierre does a 14 min presser with two questions and starts acting like a chil...

deafguy55     September 14, 2022 in ASL 42 Subscribers Subscribe

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Link , Link , [We are going to hear alot of screaming from Pierre Poilievre, his party, his supporters & his media. ( Rebel News, True North, National Post, Sun media) . 99% of it will be pure bullshit. Cons have nothing. The Liberals have a plan & it's working.], Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , [It seems that Pierre Poilievre doesn’t like how he is being held accountable by the press and electorate now that he is an official contender for the highest seat in office. Interesting. Matthew 7:2 - “For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged”], Link , Link , Link , [Well the newspapers and T.V. are still reaching tons of people and are telling the wrong stories (because they are owned by the right U.S.). So we had better start doing something to counter that narrative or it will be too late.], Link , [See what PP sent out last night to his membership. Yes. Democracy is in danger. Alternative facts …]

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