2022-2024 Priority: Dismantling Racism in the Deaf Community

NAD     September 12, 2022 in ASL 19 Subscribers Subscribe

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"Dismantling Racism in the Deaf Community" is another one of the 2020-2022 priorities that we will continue to work on for 2022-2024. NAD Office Manager Sean Norman shares more.

What are the NAD Priorities? There are many important issues that the NAD focuses on -- however, the five NAD 2022-2024 Priorities help the NAD understand the community's wishes for the NAD to address during the next two years.

How were the NAD Priorities determined? At the NAD Conference, NAD members had the opportunity to discuss all proposals during the NAD Forums and narrowed it down to eight. Then the Delegates voted on the top five. A Delegate is an elected representative of a state association, organization, or NAD section.

We will share progress updates on our 5 priorities during the next two years! For more information about this priority, visit: Link . #AboutTheNAD

[Video desc and transcript: Sean Norman is standing in the center with a black backdrop.

Sean: Dismantling Racism in the Deaf Community. Problem to be addressed: The previous priority on dismantling racism needs to be continued for the NAD and all of its State Associations and Affiliates to work towards actually dismantling racism, and expand the work to also dismantle ageism as well as oppression against LGBTQIA2S+ and DeafBlind. The Proposed Solution: The previous priority on dismantling racism needs to continue to work towards restorative justice for BIPOC within the NAD as well as its State Associations and Affiliates. Two years has not been enough - this should continue as a priority until the system has been transformed.]

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