The GOP and conservative establishment legitimating & rationalizing & enablin...

deafguy55     September 7, 2022 in ASL 42 Subscribers Subscribe

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Link , [You can’t overestimate how much damage the capitulation of conservative and GOP elites has done. Trump succeeding was bad.], Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , [My biggest problem with Trump being permitted to take office wasn’t his profound mental unfitness. It wasn’t his decades of gross lascivious behavior. It wasn’t even the fact that he has been a criminal for most of his life. It was that he is a walking national security threat., Link , Link , Link , [You don’t need a special master to know this is a national security issue and there is no legal or good reason he should have this material in his possession.], Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , [If Pierre Poilievre wins Saturday, and he will, it will be the beginning of the end of the conservative party of Canada. Center Right Conservatives will be forced out and Maxime Bernier will be welcomed back. It will become the worst party in Canadian history & the most extreme.], Link

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