Jr. NAD: 2022 Membership Dues
NAD August 29, 2022 in ASL 21 Subscribers Subscribe
The entire video reel setup has an iphone in the center. Background color changes as the person texts a different person. Each text message has a photo icon.
Scene #1 has a pink background and is a text message conversation between a Jr. NAD Advisor and a Jr. NAD member.
Member: Hey, have we renewed our Jr. NAD membership this year?
Advisor: Not yet.
Member: Okay, can we make sure we join again this year?
Advisor: YES!
Scene #2 has a yellow background and is a text message conversation between a Jr. NAD Advisor and Chanel.
Advisor: Hey, when is the Jr. NAD chapter membership due?
Chanel: You can renew or join online by November 1st.
Advisor: How?
Chanel: Easy! Go to youth.nad.org/junior-nad and fill out the form. You can pay $100 online or mail a check.
Advisor: Perfect.
Text appears in the center: "Few days later..."
Scene #3 is back to pink background between Jr. NAD Advisor and Jr. NAD member.
Advisor: Hey, I renewed our membership!
Member: Sweet!
Advisor: Looking forward to our Jr. NAD activities this year!
Member: I’ll snap the others.
Yellow background appears with text: "Join or renew today" Jr. NAD logo is in the center.
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