Today is the NAD's birthday!
NAD August 25, 2022 in ASL 21 Subscribers Subscribe
It's the NAD's birthday today! (Psst, the NAD is now 142 years old 🤯 [Exploding head emoji]).
Since the 1880, the NAD, as a civil rights organization, continues to preserve, protect and promote the civil, human, and linguistic rights of Deaf and Hard of Hearing people in the U.S. and for many more years to come!
[TRANSCRIPT & DESC: Montage of different NAD Board members signing and acting briefly.
LAURA: So excited to celebrate the NAD’s birthday, what should we do? (On-screen text: the 'one who loves to celebrate' Board member.)
DINO: TrueBiz?! Let me tell the others… (On-screen text: the 'one who is everyone’s sidekick' Board member.)
MICHAEL: Really?? (On-screen text: the 'newbie' Board member.)
LISA: Don’t worry, you’ll learn (On-screen text: the 'one who loves to support everyone' Board member.)
KEVIN: Yay! (claps and cheers) (On-screen text: the 'one who is always cheerful' Board member.)
LINSAY Jr.: Yes, it’s true – since 1880! (On-screen text: the 'one who loves History' Board member.)
JACOB: We should do cupcakes! (On-screen text: the 'one who can’t live without dessert' Board member.)
TYESE: Yes, I’m down!! (On-screen text: the 'I-Got-Your-Back' Board member.)
MICHELLE: Wait, we need candles! (On-screen text: the 'one who enjoys traditions' Board member.)
MILMAGLYN: I’ll take notes! (On-screen text: the 'one who takes notes of everything' Board member.)
STEPHANIE: Everyone, ready? ready?! (On-screen text: the 'one who makes sure no one is left out' Board member.)
JENNY: (tries to get everyone's attention) (On-screen text: the 'one who waits until everyone is on the same page' Board member) Happy Birthday, NAD!
Montage of the rest of the NAD Board signing, "Happy Birthday NAD!"]
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