Canada Health Transfers from the Federal Government - Canada to Provinces & T...

deafguy55     August 23, 2022 in ASL 42 Subscribers Subscribe

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Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , [Conservatives will destroy Canada.], Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , [He likely knew this was breaking today, hence the reason for filing his frivolous and laughable ‘lawsuit.’ Appoint a “Special master”? No. No documents are covered by executive or attorney-client privilege “4th Amendment violation”? No. There was no illegal search or seizure.], Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , [Proud Boy Poilièvre, the CPC/PPC party and the Postmedia outlets don’t want Canadians to know that Canada is handling current global inflationary pressures better than most of the other developed economies.], Link , [A nasty little cult has taken root in Canada around a woman called Romana Didulo. A cult of her "royal" alter ego, Qanon, SovCit & Covidiot delusion, referencing the 1930s "I AM" christian cult and decorated with kitch purple branding. Sick & dangerous...], Link , Link

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