LDS's BELIEF: Celestial Marriage?

GraciousTorah     June 30, 2022 in ASL 66 Subscribers Subscribe

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Which side do you follow? Joseph Smith in D&C 131:1-4 or Messiah in Matt. 22:23-33; Mark 12:18-27; Luke 20:27-38?

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  1. ReplyTo:   GraciousTorah
    Title:   Bind on Earth= Marriage?   Link 1
  2. ReplyTo:   GraciousTorah
    Title:   LDS says Adam=Michael
  3. ReplyTo:   GraciousTorah
      Link 1
  4. ReplyTo:   GraciousTorah
    Title:   D&C 131:1-4 problem   Link 1
  5. ReplyTo:   JZ
    Title:   Netflix: FLDS in Texas   Link 1
  6. ReplyTo:   GraciousTorah
    Title:   LDS OFFSHOOT GROUPS   Link 1
  7. ReplyTo:   GraciousTorah
    Title:   under the bannerofheaven   Link 1
  8. ReplyTo:   GraciousTorah
    Title:   Temporal bald tire?
  9. ReplyTo:   GraciousTorah
    Title:   Terrestrial & Celestial   Link 1   Link 2   Link 3   Link 4
  10. ReplyTo:   Infinitiforever
    Title:   Tag for you about # 9?
  11. ReplyTo:   Infinitiforever
    Title:   First part 2:05 stop!
  12. ReplyTo:   Infinitiforever
    Title:   Part 2: 2:06- 4:00   Link 1
  13. ReplyTo:   Infinitiforever
    Title:   Isaiah 4:1 and Rev 21:9   Link 1   Link 2
  14. ReplyTo:   GraciousTorah
    Title:   Wife= "set-apart ones"   Link 1
  15. ReplyTo:   BroPouliot
    Title:   Hulu channel...
  16. ReplyTo:   ShareThoughts
    Title:   Do u agree w/ Barney #8?
  17. ReplyTo:   ShareThoughts
    Title:   my vlog delay until 0.50
  18. ReplyTo:   GraciousTorah
      Link 1
  19. ReplyTo:   BroPouliot
    Title:   FX channel: July 27
  20. ReplyTo:   GraciousTorah
    Title:   7 Episodes
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