Imagine a Canadian Political Party that openly supported a mob that wanted to...

deafguy55     June 25, 2022 in ASL 42 Subscribers Subscribe

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Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , [Erin you lost the election because you never had the guts to stand up to the extremists, (like Pierre Poilievre), in your party. In return they slaughtered you after the election. There is still time to speak out.], Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , [We Are Pierre Poilievre Away From Banning Abortions In Canada], Link , [The same conservative extremist traditionalist groups responsible for overturning Roe V Wade are the same powers/people who want this fucking weasel to be our next PM. Why? Because he wants what they want, including control of a woman’s reproductive rights because the Bible says so. Conservatives want to kill, and progressive perspective stands in contrast with God’s will as THEY interpret it, and that brainwashing starts in Sunday School. Kids are taught anti-abortion apologetics in pre-school, and that anti-women’s rights stance is drilled into every church service and youth group gathering FOR YEARS. Christians create extremists around this issue from the age of 5. Giving people options and the freedom to choose never hurt anyone. Removing the personal liberty of choice does. Removing choice is the expressed goal of conservative extremists because they know that no sane human being wants to be led by hateful assholes who wish to destroy a woman’s freedom to choose.]

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