OAD May 9 2022 Updates - Website & New Email Addresses

OAD1921     May 9, 2022 in ASL 4 Subscribers Subscribe

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OAD's website may experience some downtime as soon as May 2022 or as late as November 2022. The website is being overhauled or re-created. It will remain at the same address, oad1921.org. We are not certain if we will be able to retain all the features such as the resource directory but we will do what we can.

OAD has new official email addresses. If you do not have our new email address, start a conversation with us through our website and we will respond from our new official email addresses. Any OAD email address ending in @gmail.com is to be discontinued and should be deleted from your contact list. Our new email addresses end in @oad1921.org.

OAD executive board can be contacted via:

If you need to get in touch with someone not on the executive board ask the Secretary and he will get you connected to the right person.

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