Mental Health Awareness Month

IanSanborn     May 8, 2022 in ASL 11 Subscribers Subscribe

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Mental Health Awareness Month

It trubiz felt great. My body told me to do it.

(Image description: Ian is wearing an olive shirt, black jeans, and hiking shoes. He is skipping in the yard near the garden with Zippa (the dog). The video shows a lot green hues from grasses and trees. Then he is making comments in his studio, black background. The video effect is dreamy.)

What did I say?

Hope you trubiz are smiling.

Hope you trubiz are giggling.

Hope you trubiz want to do the same thing.

If you see a door, go ahead open it and start skipping with joy!


Go ahead! Be silly!


Trubiz it feels great!

We all need that, right?

To feel great!




You could do it with your friend...


or pet if you have one.

Doing it alone is absolutely fine!

It is important.

Try and do whatever feels great!

Recognizing Mental Health Awareness Month.

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