Thank you, Interpreters

IanSanborn     May 5, 2022 in ASL 11 Subscribers Subscribe

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Interpreter Appreciation Day

Image description: Ian is wearing a black beret, a long sleeve shirt with a close up image of a black bear. The background is black.

Ian: begins signing the word, "Interpreting".

Text: Interpreter Appreciation Day

Ian: signing the word, "Interpreting".

Text: Accessibility opens more doors.

Ian: signing the word, "Interpreting".

Text: It used to be about the taste of the ice cream.

Ian: signing the word, "Interpreting".

Text: Now it is about human rights.

Ian: signing the word, "Interpreting".

Text: Between the lines, we learn how to interact for precious moments.

Ian: signing the word, "Interpreting" (slowing down).

Text: While interpreting between sides, a break is needed to recognize.

Ian: signing the word, "Interpreting" then stops.

Text: (Breath in... and breath out...)

Ian: Thank you, interpreters from everywhere. Amazing.

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