The NAD Supports You

NAD     April 21, 2022 in ASL 21 Subscribers Subscribe

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The NAD remains firm in our support for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community in Florida, especially Deaf BIPOC and LGBTQIA2S+ folks. The NAD Board and conference planning team are making every effort to ensure that all BIPOC and LGBTQIA2S+ conference attendees feel as welcome and safe as possible at our conference. The NAD will proceed with safeguards and plans to achieve this goal.

We welcome everyone and anyone that stands with the BIPOC and LGBTQIA2S+ deaf communities to attend our conference this summer in Orlando, Florida,

[Video description and transcript: The NAD Board and CEO are seated together, in a circle, each wearing a navy polo with the NAD logo – some are on the couch, some are on the floor, in various positions but all facing the camera. Each person shares one statement to the camera. The NAD logo appears as a watermark on the bottom right corner.

LINSAY Jr.: Everyone has a right to feel and be safe.

HOWARD: We support civil and human rights for all.

KEVIN: I support you.

JENNY: They think we’re not human? Actually, we deserve the right to exist.

LAURA: We’re here for you.

STEPHANIE: No matter your skin color, you are valued.

KIRSTEN: We stand strong with you.

LISA: I’m thrown but we’ll get through this together.

JACOB: Together, we can stay proud.

JAMES “DINO”: You are loved.

MILMAGLYN: You’re not alone, we’re with you.

MICHELLE: From birth – we have different thoughts, perspectives, and feelings. This makes us united as one.

JUSTIN: Through our veins and our heartbeats, we are the same – and we accept you.

MELISSA: Different communities must come together to support one another through love.

Video fades to next clip with all board members either seated or standing, with President Melissa in the middle.

MELISSA: To the BIPOC and LGBTQIA2S+ communities…

ALL: we support you.]

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