Give STL Day: Why Donate to DEAF, Inc?

DEAFInc     April 5, 2022 in ASL 12 Subscribers Subscribe

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There are more than 300,000 babies, children, adults and elders with hearing loss in the St. Louis area. Obtaining employment, accessing health care information, hearing the fire alarm, understanding dinner table conversations or watching live programming on TV without captioning or an interpreter and feeling isolated are a few on the list of challenges the Deaf and Hard of Hearing face daily.  

Providing and ensuring communication access an expensive and constant endeavor; however, a worthwhile and honorable effort. Such access includes, but are not limited to providing sign language interpreting services, educational workshops for employers and healthcare systems, advocacy services, and accessible community events.  

Join us in our collective effort to continue to enhance accessible and effective communication, and positive change. Your support will create opportunities for everyone to live in a stronger, more vibrant, and diversified society.  

Please consider a gift of $150 or more and become a driver for social change in the pursuit of breaking the cycle of inaccessibility for your family member, friend, co-worker, or neighbor that has a hearing loss.

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