#NAD2022 Registration Information

NAD     March 30, 2022 in ASL 21 Subscribers Subscribe

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That's right, registration is ready for you to join us at #NAD2022 this summer! Explore: orlando.nad.org/register.

[TRANSCRIPT & DESC: Sean is standing in the middle of the screen. The NAD logo is transparent in the bottom right corner.

SEAN: PAH! We’re thrilled to finally release registration information for this year’s conference in Orlando, Florida this summer! Early bird deadline is April 15. Final deadline for all registrations is May 31. If you decide to wait until arriving in Orlando, that’s okay but just keep in mind some events may be sold out. We have registration for general public, government employees, and for the National Deaf Education Conference (NDEC). We have combo and individual events available for purchase! Go ahead, explore orlando.nad.org to learn more about our conference. If you have any questions, you can email Link . Join us June 30-July 4!]

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