What should the NAD focus on the next two years, 2022-2024?

NAD     March 28, 2022 in ASL 21 Subscribers Subscribe

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What should the NAD focus on the next two years, 2022-2024? We encourage you to review our current and past priorities to see what has been done or not done. Then you can identify gaps and overlooked issues that the NAD should address in the next two years. Individuals and organizations are encouraged to gather and discuss what issues and challenges remain for our community. Submit your priority proposal ideas by April 30th. To submit a priority proposal, you must be a current NAD member. If you have any questions about how to submit a proposal or this process, please contact Link .

- Review current and past priorities: Link
- Submit priority ideas: Link

[TRANSCRIPT & DESC: Justin Cha is standing in front of a black backdrop. Justin is wearing a dark blue NAD polo. The NAD logo is on the bottom right corner.

Justin: What should the NAD focus on the next two years, 2022-2024? We encourage you to review our current and past priorities to see what has been done or not done. Then you can identify gaps and overlooked issues that the NAD should address in the next two years. Individuals and organizations are encouraged to gather and discuss what issues and challenges remain for our community. Submit your priority proposal ideas by April 30th. To submit a priority proposal, you must be a current NAD member. If you have any questions about how to submit a proposal or this process, please contact Link .]

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