Can Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) help me search for jobs? | Youth Employmen...
NAD March 3, 2022 in ASL 21 Subscribers Subscribe
Our last Youth Employment Tip is... work with your Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) counselor! They can provide different kinds of support during your post-High School years. They're here for YOU!
[TRANSCRIPT & DESC: An animated slide appeared with a dark greyish-blue brick as a background. Question bubbles appeared with Q and A, and a bold white text appeared, "CAN VR HELP WITH MY SEARCH?"
GISELLA: For those who are still in high school, contact your transition coordinator and ask that you'd like to meet with a VR counselor who will be prepared to develop your individual plan for employment and your goals. If you're currently in high school, go and get work experience during the summer or during a break. Maybe get involved with a youth camp. Maybe you will have a VR counselor support you by going to the NAD Youth Leadership Camp (YLC). They could probably support you, and it helps you prepare to transition before graduating. I encourage you to work with your transition coordinator and VR counselor, and VR counselor is here to support you until you find your job that you're satisfied with. Sometimes you'll realize that the career you're working isn't for you, and you want to change your employment goals, which is fine! It's important that you work with your VR counselor. They can also help you prepare for job interviews and prepare for a job too.
(an animated slide appeared with a dark greyish-blue brick as a background. A white text appeared, "GOOD LUCK")]
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