Join us at #NAD2022 in Orlando, Florida!

NAD     February 11, 2022 in ASL 21 Subscribers Subscribe

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President Melissa invites you to the 56th Biennial Conference in Orlando, Florida on June 30-July 4, 2022 at the Hyatt Regency Orlando. Explore the #NAD2020 website ( to learn about Orlando, the conference schedule, our workshop partners, and more! However, registration details aren’t ready yet – we will share as soon as it is finalized.

We recognize that this event may be the first large in-person event for many people. We are monitoring the CDC recommendations and are closely working with the Hyatt Regency Orlando Hotel to ensure our event is safe, protected, and welcoming for all.

We are preparing for a successful in-person 2022 Biennial NAD Conference with opportunities for professional development, training, networking, governance meetings, receptions and exciting evening events.

The Conference will officially begin with an Opening Ceremony on Friday, July 1! On Saturday, July 2nd, we will once again host the exciting College Bowl Finals featuring brilliant students from across the country. Then we will close out the conference on Sunday, July 3rd, with a revamped Pitch Competition (formerly known as the Youth Ambassador Program) that will feature a night of networking and presentations and talent from the future leaders of our community! There’s nothing like Orlando to make one feel like a kid again.

[Video Desc. & Transcript: NAD President Melissa S. Draganac-Hawk is standing in the middle of the screen with a blue backdrop.

MELISSA: I'm thrilled to announce that we will host our 56th Biennial NAD Conference in Orlando, Florida during June 30-July 4, 2022. Our ASL theme is "LOOKING BACK, DREAM, and LOOKING FORWARD, ANTICIPATING!" We're excited! However, we've also outlined some COVID-19 protocols which are available on our website. We will continue to monitor CDC's updates; if they release any updated information that affects our conference, we will let you know. I'm excited to have this conference happen with many different things that are included such as our NAD@night evening events, Exhibit Hall, the opportunity to meet people, and our variety of workshops! We're eager to have two organizations join #NAD2022 as a workshop partner, National Deaf Education Conference (NDEC) and Deaf in Government (DIG). Exciting times ahead! You can check out for more information, especially to find the hotel link to book your rooms! Registration isn't ready yet but we're working hard on it! See you there!]

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