Penalties for breaking this law could also include up to 3 years in prison, h...

deafguy55     February 11, 2022 in ASL 42 Subscribers Subscribe

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Link , Link , Link , [the NARA discussions with DoJ happened because the Archives found what it believes to be CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS in the 15 boxes retrieved from Mar-a-Lago. IG is investigating.], Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , [Pierre Poilievre continues to back a angry selfish Mob hoping he can win the PPC vote. He doesn't even care about his own riding. He doesn't even care about Canadians. He wants power no matter the cost. He should be ashamed and should immediately Resign.], Link , [Doug Ford needs to stop coddling extremists and step up to stop the endangering of our supply chain, so Ottawans, auto workers and truckers like Ted can have their lives back.]

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