Why Should You Be a Builder at YLC? | Reason #5

NAD     February 9, 2022 in ASL 21 Subscribers Subscribe

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Working at YLC in the beautiful Pacific Northwest can be your internship or co-op opportunity (and college credit)! Ummmmm, yes! Where do we sign up!?

To apply for a builder position, go to youth.nad.org/ylc and apply by March 1st!

[VIDEO DESC & TRANSCRIPT: Chanel is wearing a gray NAD polo. The NAD logo is in transparent white on the bottom right corner.

CHANEL: Why should I apply as a YLC builder? Internships and Co-Op opportunities!

(A green box with white text appears on the top left corner, “Internship and Co-Op opportunities!”)

If you're looking for an internship or a co-op, but you're not sure what to do? Did you know we can work together to make sure the builder role fits in your vision of an internship or co-op experience.

(A brown box with white text appears on the top right corner, “it will count as a college credit!” and emoji with heart eyes.)

This also counts as a college credit! The best part? We really do write great recommendation letters!

(A yellow box with black text appears on the top right corner, “We also write great recommendation letters!”)

Grab the opportunity to apply today!

(A green box with a white text appears on the top right corner, “APPLY TO JOIN US!”)

(Video cuts to an ending slide. It has a green background with white, yellow and dark orange confetti on the top corners. In the top center, a Youth Leadership Camp logo in green and white. Below, a white text, “Interested to become a builder? Staff Application is available online! Visit youth.nad.org/ylc and apply by March 1st, 2022!)]

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