Can Someone Please Explain How Michael Flynn Got So Crazy?

deafguy55     February 5, 2022 in ASL 42 Subscribers Subscribe

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Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , [‘TRUMP IS WRONG’ : Mike Pence Finally Says Those Three Little Words America Needed to Hear], Link , Link , Link , Link , ["Note the timeline of events: Election Day was Nov. 3; Biden was declared president-elect on Nov. 7; and we now know that on Nov. 18, Team Trump was circulating materials about a forged documents and fake electors scheme."], Link , [Show real leadership @fordnation and bring this situation to a speedy conclusion. The people of Ottawa, Toronto, Scarborough and all Ontario deserve better. Your silence is complicit.]....[Doug Ford was missing in action while the people of Ottawa endured days of horns blaring, hateful symbols being flown, unmasked anti-vaxxers shutting down businesses, and the desecration of monuments. It's time for real leadership in Ontario. ]

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