Canadian truckers' protest over vaccine mandate continues

deafguy55     February 4, 2022 in ASL 42 Subscribers Subscribe

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Link , Link , [The citizens of Ottawa are getting pissed off with the fuckers, er truckers. #TruckersGoHome], Link , Link , [Almost every new fact that emerges about the #antivaxx #convoy reveals a deeply disturbing picture, and one that is directly contrary to that presented by right-wing politicians and journalists.], Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , [The GOP formally censures @AdamKinzinger and @Liz_Cheney for telling the truth and doing their duty, but bends the knee to the guy offering pardons to domestic terrorists.], Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , [Putin’s threat of invading Ukraine can be stopped with one simple policy: freeze his money in the West by applying the Magnitsky Act to his oligarch trustees]

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