The media is now telling Canadians what most of us already knew. Conservative...

deafguy55     January 24, 2022 in ASL 42 Subscribers Subscribe

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Link , Link , Link , ["Rather worryingly, mainlining misinformation to rile up its base has been the Conservative shtick for a while now, and besides appealing to common collective decency, there’s no real incentive for the Conservatives to stop..."], Link , Link , Link , [The Case for Impeaching Clarence Thomas The Supreme Court justice refuses to recuse himself from cases in which his right-wing activist wife, Ginni, has a clear interest. The Democrats should punish him for it.], Link , Link , Link , [Absolutely shameful—these Republicans won't vote to fund infrastructure, but they know it's a needed and popular investment.], Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , [Newt Gingrich is a FASCIST]

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