Oregon Association of the Deaf Board Meeting January 2022

OAD1921     January 22, 2022 in ASL 4 Subscribers Subscribe

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This video redacted by few seconds in different sequences from public by board's request.

Time speed edited by 1/2 the meeting length from 2 hours. The speed makes it 1 hour video.

Edited by Jeb Baldridge

Chat box on Zoom:
00:26:31 Julie Reis: File in Google Doc is called 2021 Oct OAD minutes
01:28:55 Jeb Baldridge: Thank you Liza and Chad coming in here :-)
01:29:23 Julie Reis: Julie Reis moved to hold all executive orders til next meeting.
01:30:20 Jeb Baldridge: Jeb can make a motion for Julie. [Julie as a delegate cannot make motions]
01:30:44 Scot Pearce: I seconded.
01:30:57 Elizabeth Delumeau: Do I get to vote too?
01:30:57 Jeb Baldridge: I, Jeb, move to hold all of Presidential Executive orders to the next meeting.
01:31:39 Jeb Baldridge: Elizabeth, I wish you can vote but no :-(
01:45:51 Jeb Baldridge: I, Jeb Baldridge, move to keep website up and running and get us new webmaster immediately for transition before October 2022.
01:48:05 Jeb Baldridge: Reason: we cannot shut our website for time being. Deaf Oregonians need information from our website.
01:50:12 Jeb Baldridge: Howard make seconded for this motion.
01:56:49 Adam Logan: I, Adam Logan motion that OAD transitions from using individual private google accounts to using Google Workplace and phase out use of the old personal OAD Google accounts.
02:07:08 Jeb Baldridge: I, Jeb Baldridge, makes a motion for Julie Reis as our OAD delegate.
02:07:15 Scot Pearce: I seconded
02:07:58 Jeb Baldridge: Passed.

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