THE BULB: Deaf Hide and Seek

The Daily Moth     December 6, 2021 in ASL 97 Subscribers Subscribe

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Have any of you experienced this ? 🤣 Thanks to Gio for sending this in!

Transcript: I remember when I was a young girl, I’d play hide and seek with my friends in the forest. A few of them were hearing. As we would play, I always was amazed with how my hearing friends knew where others were hiding. They would tell me where they are immediately and I would follow. It felt like they had some kind of power of how they knew, but later I found out that they could HEAR twigs snapping or leaves rustling. Just like this—

Title reads: Playing hide and seek with my hearing friend. Deaf Gio is in the shower and he is heavily breathing inside. Gio’s hearing friend comes in (who is also played by Gio) and immediately finds Deaf Gio in the shower. The hearing Gio turns on the light and the Deaf Gio is found then he responds “How did you know?!!!! Bulls***”

Renca: Yep, that. However, Deaf gain is that suppose I am hiding with another person who also knows sign language, we can “quietly” sign. Just like what you see in the movie “The Quiet Place,” – same thing. We would not even have to whisper to make noise. We can sign!
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