Disinformation alert: Right wing social media has deceptively edited a clip t...

deafguy55     November 24, 2021 in ASL 42 Subscribers Subscribe

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Link , Link , [Like I said, Republicans continue to fan the flames of hatred, violence and division. They are fomenting a violent insurgency in America. ], Link , [So the D.C. Court of Appeals is asking for arguments as to whether they have jurisdiction in the matter at all because 44 U.S.C. 2204(b)(3) says that the D.C. District Court has jurisdiction. The D.C. District Court has already rejected Trump's attempt to stop the release.], Link , Link , [Federal court order may be a worrisome sign for former President Trump in his effort to assert executive privilege over documents sought by a House cmte. investigating Jan. 6.], Link , Link , [Tell me you’re a criminal without actually saying it: Sources:Jan. 6 WH Rally Team Used Burner Phones to talk to White House - Rolling Stone], Link , Link , [Rittenhouse became a MAGA folk hero because he embodies them: entitled, violent, and above the law. He has is an avatar for the white fragility they have been nestled and the power they imagine is their birthright.], [It’s no surprise that not long after killing two strangers and wounding another, Kyle Rittenhouse brazenly posted for photos in a Wisconsin bar wearing a t-shirt that said “FREE AS F*CK.” That is the nation he and his supporters want, one where they are free as f*ck to: take the law into their own hands. murder people in the name of protecting property. police grocery stores and neighborhood streets and combustible situations. assault Capitols and shoot joggers. terrorize citizens in the name of making us safer. do whatever they want to do, even if people have to die for them to do it.]

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