Tell us Your Video Relay Service (VRS) Experience!
NAD November 17, 2021 in ASL 21 Subscribers Subscribe
Do you have a love/hate relationship using Video Relay Service (VRS)? Tell us! Link
NOTE: The NAD does not endorse any VRS companies, and this video is not about VRS companies. We are not looking for feedback on their services. Instead, we want to know about your experiences using Video Relay Services (VRS) in general and what improvements the FCC needs to make so that your experiences are like hearing callers’ experiences.
[TRANSCRIPT & DESC: Sean is standing in the middle of the screen. The NAD logo is transparent in the bottom right corner.
Are your Video Relay Service (VRS) calls with hearing people giving you the same experience as hearing people’s calls with other people? That’s what we want to find out. We want to know what you like about your VRS calling experience, we also want to know what you’re frustrated with. The NAD needs to gather your stories to identify gaps in the VRS industry and share those gaps with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). The NAD is urging innovation and up to date technology to ensure that deaf and hard of hearing people’s calling experiences are equivalent to hearing people’s experiences. Tell us your VRS story!]
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