Hey Steve Bannon - come to DC for your arraignment on November 15. Will Be Wild!

deafguy55     November 13, 2021 in ASL 42 Subscribers Subscribe

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Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , [Another signal from DOJ and Garland — the Bannon indictment (which Garland undoubtedly reviewed personally) refers to January 6 as a “domestic terrorist attack.”The DOJ playbook for terrorism requires going after the leading organizers of the violence. Game on.], Link , [Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful.” - Seneca (4 BC - 65 AD)], Link , [Suspected white supremacist Judge Schroeder claiming that a prior video Rittenhouse driving by a store saying he wished he had a gun to shoot "looters", has no relation to Kyle actually getting a gun & killing ppl. Notice how the judge was about to say "thugs" but caught himself], Link , Link , [Democracy is a privilege, and we all have a responsibility to defend it. The American republic may have its flaws, but there is nothing wrong with American democracy that cannot be fixed by American democracy. Today, we can either be the generation that renews democracy, or loses it forever.], Link , [We can love our kids and hate the ugly parts of our history without denying them the truth.]

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