These Trump-loving false prophets spread dangerous lies, but social media com...

deafguy55     November 11, 2021 in ASL 42 Subscribers Subscribe

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Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , Link , [Climate experts and activists applaud Biden's Build Back Better climate agenda: "This is a game changer"], Link , [I support the #freadom to read! In response to #txlege Rep. Krause’s ignorant attempt at denying book access to students, I’ll be highlighting in this thread some of the MG books on his list and why they are essential for young readers. Join us today by sharing your own!], Link , [Scott Moe & Jason Kenney should be investigated for their incompetence which caused more deaths than necessary. Erin O'toole should also be investigated for his role in muzzling them during the election. Conservatives are the party of Hate and Division, Trump Republicans.]

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