What should I wear to my Interview? | Youth Employment Tip 9

NAD     November 5, 2021 in ASL 21 Subscribers Subscribe

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It can be stressful to figure out what you'd need to wear to your job interviews! We get it! Our four guests share tips to give you more confident to prepare for the interview.

[TRANSCRIPT & DESC: A screen recorded online event of four women on Zoom. They are Renate Rose, Tyese Wright, Gisella Tomita, and Lori Taylor.

Renate: What are the ideal clothes to wear for the interview?

(an animated slide appeared with a dark greyish-blue brick as a background. Question bubbles appeared with Q and A, and a bold white text appeared, "What should I wear to my Interview?")

Gisella: A great example is how you see us dressed right now. These are all perfect interview attire. It's important to wear neutral colors, no patterns or logos that advertise drinks, stores or anything like that. Keep it nice and clean. See these earrings? Not anything too big, wear a simple one that focuses on your interview.

Tyese: Make sure you dress nice for the interpreter, so the interpreter can see you. Wear contrast clothing.

Lori: Avoid using bright colors. Secondly, avoid wearing too much makeup. It's important to make sure that your clothes are comfortable and accessible for the interview.

Gisella: Not only your appearance is important but the background too, which is very important during virtual interviews. Because it shows who you are. To be honest with you, they'll notice your background - and they don't mean to judge, but they will observe it. It's a simple thing, but keep it nice and professional.

Renate: Talk with the folks that live with you ahead of time to let them know that I need this space for this amount of time, so I can focus on the interview to minimize those distractions. It will show them that you're committed to this.

(an animated slide appeared with a dark greyish-blue brick as a background. A white text appeared, "Be You")]

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